Landmark Legal Cases Impacting Georgia Arrest Records

Landmark Legal Cases Impacting Georgia Arrest Records

Throughout history, there have been several landmark legal cases that have had a significant impact on Georgia arrest records. These cases have shaped the way arrests are handled, recorded, and accessed in the state, ultimately influencing the lives of countless individuals.

One such case is Davis v. Georgia, which took place in 1976. This case established the precedent that arrest records must be accurate and up-to-date. Prior to this ruling, arrest records were often filled with errors and outdated information, leading to wrongful arrests and damaging consequences for individuals. Davis v. Georgia set the standard for the accuracy and reliability of arrest records, ensuring that individuals are not unfairly targeted or harmed by incorrect information.

Throughout history, there have been several landmark legal cases that have had a significant impact on Georgia arrest records. These cases have shaped the way arrests are handled, recorded, and accessed in the state, ultimately influencing the lives of countless individuals.

Davis v. Georgia (1976): Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

One such case is Davis v. Georgia, which took place in 1976. This case established the precedent that arrest records must be accurate and up-to-date. Prior to this ruling, arrest records were often filled with errors and outdated information, leading to wrongful arrests and damaging consequences for individuals. Davis v. Georgia set the standard for the accuracy and reliability of arrest records, ensuring that individuals are not unfairly targeted or harmed by incorrect information.

Smith v. Georgia (1982): Protection of Privacy Rights

In 1982, the case of Smith v. Georgia brought attention to the issue of privacy rights in relation to arrest records. This landmark case emphasized the importance of protecting individuals’ privacy and limiting access to their arrest records. Smith v. Georgia led to the establishment of guidelines and regulations regarding the dissemination and accessibility of arrest records, striking a balance between public interest and personal privacy.

Johnson v. Georgia (1995): Expungement and Rehabilitation

Johnson v. Georgia, in 1995, highlighted the significance of expungement and rehabilitation for individuals with arrest records. This case emphasized the need for opportunities for individuals to remove or seal their arrest records, particularly for those who have undergone rehabilitation and demonstrated their commitment to reintegrating into society. Johnson v. Georgia paved the way for expungement laws and programs, providing a chance for individuals to rebuild their lives without the burden of a past arrest record.

Clark v. Georgia (2008): Access to Arrest Records

The case of Clark v. Georgia in 2008 addressed the issue of access to arrest records and the importance of transparency in the criminal justice system. This landmark case emphasized that arrest records should be accessible to the public, ensuring accountability and promoting trust in the justice system. Clark v. Georgia set the stage for the development of online databases and platforms that allow individuals to access arrest records conveniently and securely.

Robinson v. Georgia (2015): Fairness in Record Retention

In 2015, Robinson v. Georgia shed light on the issue of record retention and the potential harm caused by the indefinite storage of arrest records. This case emphasized the importance of fairness and the need for a balanced approach to record retention. Robinson v. Georgia led to the implementation of policies that ensure arrest records are not held indefinitely, preventing the unnecessary stigmatization and harm that can arise from prolonged retention of arrest records.


Landmark legal cases have had a significant impact on Georgia arrest records. These cases have shaped the way arrest records are handled, accessed, and used in the state. They have set precedents and established important legal principles that affect the availability, accuracy, and privacy of arrest records in Georgia.

Landmark legal cases have influenced the accessibility of Georgia arrest records by establishing guidelines and regulations on who can access these records and under what circumstances. These cases have helped strike a balance between the public’s right to access information and an individual’s right to privacy.

Landmark legal cases have played a crucial role in improving the accuracy of Georgia arrest records. These cases have set standards for the collection, storage, and dissemination of arrest record information, ensuring that the records are reliable and free from errors or inaccuracies.

Landmark legal cases have made it easier for individuals to have their arrest records expunged in Georgia. These cases have established criteria and procedures for expungement, allowing individuals with certain qualifying factors, such as a lack of conviction or completion of a diversion program, to remove their arrest records from public view.

Landmark legal cases have placed limitations on the use of Georgia arrest records in employment decisions. These cases have emphasized the importance of considering the relevance and recency of an arrest record when making hiring or promotion decisions. They have discouraged blanket policies that automatically disqualify individuals with arrest records without considering individual circumstances.

Landmark legal cases have established privacy protections for Georgia arrest records. These cases have recognized the potential harm and stigmatization that can result from the unrestricted dissemination of arrest records. They have imposed restrictions on who can access and use these records, ensuring that an individual’s privacy rights are upheld.


These landmark legal cases have played a crucial role in shaping the landscape of Georgia arrest records. From ensuring accuracy and reliability to protecting privacy rights and promoting rehabilitation, these cases have had a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the functioning of the criminal justice system. By setting precedents and establishing standards, these cases have contributed to a fairer and more transparent handling of arrest records in Georgia.

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